jSecureWeb is a secure web browser App and equipped with hardware secure element (FIPS 140-2 Level 3 and CC EAL 5+ certified).
With script style APIs supported, PKI and X.509 certificate operations can be easily integrated in web application on iOS
platfrom. People can share, exchange, look up and verify 30Card(X.509 certificate) through platform services. With platform
integration, user can manage his/her own contacts and 30Card within jSecureWeb App and platform web site.
Script style APIs are supported by jSecureWeb App for all other web applications to easily use with the PKI(Public Key
Infrastructure) and X.509 certificate functions. Users can use both software and hardware key to easily keep their data and
Apps securely. Platform services for X.509 Certificate verification can also be done by script style frameworks.
With the integration of the TOTOSAF hardware iOS accessory, all kinds of security affairs are no longer difficult.
Main Features:
Script style APIs security functions for web application on iOS platform.
Hardware accessory with built-in secure element.
(Certified with FIPS 140-2 Level3 & Common Criteria EAL 5+)
Hardware RSA 1024/2048 bits, ECC 192/256 bits and AES 256 bits for encryption/decryption.
Hardware encryption key access controll by Pincode verification.
30Card (X.509 Certificate compatible) features are supported.
Script style APIs supported for PKI functions.
PKCS#7 data format supported for cryptographic operations.
X.509 certificate verification through platfrom services.